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Copy-Cat Looks: The Real Girl's Guide to Pinterest Inspired Dressing

27 March 2013

Tell me I'm not the only girl this happens to -- I spend a large majority of my free time on Pinterest. I get so caught up in photos and ideas, and before I know it, an hour has gone by.

My style board is off the chart -- I have so many pins of outfits I wish lived in my closet. Sometimes I get lucky and can recreate a Pinterest inspired outfit, but other times I get stumped. I don't own it, can't find it and get so frustrated! I recently learned that several of my friends were feeling the same way. Who knew? :)

My Style Pinterest board ... follow me!
Then a lightbulb went off -- what if I COULD recreate some of these fabulous outfits? I consider myself to be quite the savvy online shopper (just ask my husband!) and I knew with a little bit of digging and organizing, I could create budget friendly options.

My criteria is budget -friendly pieces, items that can be mixed and matched, and easily accessible .... so it needs to be a store you can physically go to, or a website that currently sells the item and is available for purchase.

Thanks to my friend Allison, I have my first three looks! Stay tuned for the big reveal :)

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