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18 March 2013

I am back from my week in Hawaii, and I can't wait to recap and share photos.

My flights were long and exhausting in themselves, but so incredibly worth it. The flights back? Not so much....I stepped off the plane yesterday to 27 degree weather. And I was wearing flipflops. Whatevs.

So first things first, an update on my grandma. She was in great spirits when I got there, but then again, she always is. She has a very "whatever will happen, happens" kind of attitude. We didn't talk much about her surgery or diagnosis those first two days, choosing to focus on positive and fun talks. And man, can she talk! (I guess I know where I get it from!)

Her surgery Monday went well, and she was home in time for lunch. I pampered and spoiled her and my grandfather all week -- cooking for them, running errands, and making tea :) She had very little side effects from the surgery -- no soreness or pain, which was wonderful. And then Friday came, and we went for her follow-up appointment. And it turns out, the tumor was almost three times as big as they expected it to be. They needed to do another surgery, as soon as possible, to make sure they got all the cancer. It was a tough afternoon, and really brought us down. She is in surgery as I type this, so fingers crossed it goes exactly the way we want it to!

All in all, the doctors know she will make a full recovery. She'll do a month of radiation, and be on her way! We are so fortunate that they caught it when they did.

Now -- on to my photo recap of the week:

Heaven on earth.

How cute is my grandfather? Love him so much!

My beautiful grandmother. I love her smile :)

Their garden in the front of the house

Reading his paper, relaxing and enjoying the breeze

On my morning run (ok walk) I love the sun glistening off the ocean

The Pacific ocean in the distance
I want a house on that mountainside :)

The back yard, corner garden

Wearing the gardenia "aunt" Lala brought me!

Back of the house, and the mountains in the distance...from their garden on the hill

Thick "vog" covering the mountainside -- coming from the volcanic eruption on the Big Island!
Even though the reason I was there was not a fun one, I still had an incredible week. My grandparents mean everything to me, and it isn't often that I get to spend time with them one-on-one. We had so many great conversations, there was lots of laughter and millions of hugs and kisses. I truly felt blessed to be there.

Before I left for Hawaii, I was feeling guilt over being away from home. We were in the middle of buying a house, and I am swamped at work. The whole flight there I couldn't get rid of the feeling -- of wanting to be in two places at once. But the second I got there, I knew in my gut that I had made the right decision. There was no where else I needed to be.

It's easy to get caught up in the craziness of everyday life. It was nice to dial back for a bit, refocus on what is truly important and count my blessings. Who knew that I would get so much out of this trip, when I went to give everything to them?

God IS good, and works in mysterious ways. He always knows exactly what we need, and is constantly finding opportunities to teach us. We just have to stop and listen.

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